What would you buy for your babies?

Happy Turkey Day from ididdy and hdiddy
The boys ready for Turkey Day | Photo by Jonathan Blundell

We’ve had a lot of people ask what the boys would like for Christmas.

We’re so thankful for all that we’ve been given already and we honestly can’t think of anything they need other than diapers (Pampers – size newborn or 1) and formula (still trying to figure that out).

But as new parents we might be missing some great innovations in parenting.

So I’m curious — if you had $100 to spend on your baby (or babies) what would you buy? Any “must haves?”

Use Amazon’s Baby Store as a pricing guide and let me know what you come up with in the comments below. You don’t have to spend all $100 – but be sure you keep your shopping list under $100.

As an added bonus, I’ll pick one random comment at the end of the week and send that person a copy of my novel, St. Peter’s Brewery.

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

6 thoughts on “What would you buy for your babies?”

  1. To be honest… I can’t remember what we bought our girls at that age. Dayna still has the stuffed cat she got when she was young… but that’s about it.Personally… I’d buy them something wooden like bricks for when they start crawling and handling things. Nothing beats wooden bricks… they lead onto LEGO!!!! And, let’s face it, nothing beats LEGO.My name is Thomas and I’m a LEGOholic ;-)Other option is a stack of films… we’ans are very visual :: YELLOW SUBMARINE (never too young for the Beatles)… Disney classics… that kind of thing. Maybe a wee bit young for Chuck Norris.Tx

    1. I love the blocks and LEGO idea. I’m hoping my boys are big fans of those…

      I loved my blocks and Construx as a kid.

      Plus, we’re hoping we can keep them away from battery powered toys πŸ˜‰ so they can enjoy using their imagination a bit more…

  2. From Dollye…http://www.facebook.com/jdblundell/posts/170247943006939?notif_t=share_comment

    Mine are more for parents of babies, but they make the babies lives run more smoothly…

    None of these items are yet on the market (to my knowledge).
    -handheld pizza cutter with blade cover for easy storage and use from diaper bag. I have an ag student working on this one for me.
    -pacifier headgear
    -bottle sling for use with car seat for the feeding times in the car when you can’t stop.

  3. That’s a great list Abby! Thanks!

    Laurie actually just ordered a sling wrap from a site online. We’ve heard some great things about them.

    But that list of books is what’s really awesome! Thanks so much!

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