one year

Jonathan has a great anniverary weekend recap on his blog so make sure you check it out and see how we spent the weekend. I can’t believe we’ve been married for a whole year. Everyone keeps saying “I can’t believe it’s been a year–it hasn’t been a year!” Trust me, it’s been a year. I guess it just seems like that to us because we actually lived it. The time has gone by pretty fast and in that aspect it doesn’t seem like it’s been a year, but on the other side, if you think about all we’ve done in the last year it all comes into perspective. The last year we moved to our first home in Waxahachie, bought our first home in Red Oak, each bought “new” cars, Jonathan has a new job, I started going to a new church (I’m talking about encounter, I didn’t start going to a seperate church from jonathan)–all that while adjusting to a new roommate and partner in life – or crime (however you want to perceive). We’ve had a blast the last year and I have enjoyed every minute of it….although I could life without the occasional sleepless nights from someone snoring..ahem! I started making a list in my head the other day of things that I’ve learned from the last year or maybe things I’ve known but never wanted to admit. I have since then forgot most of them but here are a few that I can think of:
1. I’m not a morning person
2. I’m not a night person – about 10:00 and I’m out
3. I’m pretty much a 10:00-5:00 person, so if you catch me during those hours it’ll be great.
4. I’m much more of a hermit than Jonathan…he has to do things and go places all the time with people, I DON’T.
5. Never let your husband do the laundry or you’ll end up with a pink shirt or a pair of jeans you can’t wear anymore and have never worn before.
6. Husbands like to blame things on the tools they use, instead of the operator of the said tool. i.e – cooking pancakes “the pan was messed up” hmmm.
7. I’m thankful that the hubs takes our the garbage every tuesday and friday but then I get home and go to put a handful of trash in the trashcan and there’s no bag.
8. I have a husband that cooks and for that I’m thankful! (Thank you for my breakfast burrito this morning–delish)
9. Jonathan adopted a dog when he married me, I’m sure if it were up to him, she would no longer be around.
10. When you talk to your husband, you have to say exactly what you want, or you’ll get the opposite. So instead of saying “I’d prefer if you didn’t do that” you should say “Do not under any circumstances say or do that!”
11. I’m very independant and need to learn to let go. Sometimes you have to sit back and let the other person do things…you can’t do them all.
12. Men don’t think things through all the way–sometimes they’ll wash/rinse the sprayer from staining the fence in the kitchen sink…and stain will get everywhere! That’s when you kindly say…”do you think you can do that outside in the grass?”

Those are just some of the things I’ve learned over the last year and I’m sure Jonathan could have a completely different list of things and I would love to hear that. But I’ve also learned what it’s like to have a great husband who loves you and cares about you no matter what and even though there are times when you want to ring their neck, those times will never outweigh the good times. Here’s to another great year!

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